Frowing up
Last night at about quarter to 12, I heard a little voice calling for mommy. Olivia had woken up and thrown up everywhere. She was so sad about it - she tells me every time that she really doesn't like "frowing up" and i have to tell her that no one does. She has had a rash on her arms off and on for a week and I was wondering if the two were related, but she ate an enormous amount of dinner, so I think it might have been that. After cleaning her up and changing her bed, tidying up the carpet and her toys, she said she wanted to go back to her own bed, but moments later was crying for us and saying that her tummy hurt. She was pretty adamant that she was not going to throw up again, but I was pretty certain we weren't done.
She eventually climbed into bed with Al and me and laid there for a while rubbing her belly. I told her about throwing up in garbage cans and toilets and let her know if she felt sick again to tell me and we would run to the bathroom. after about five minutes i heard her breath hitch and asked if she was ok - she gave a little jump and told me we should run. We did - and we almost made it.
Poor sweet girl. It's so hard to explain to her that she should try to get it all out and to go ahead and spit everything into the bowl.
We got the second round cleaned up and she said she felt a lot better. She climbed into our bed again and was sleeping in moments and, oddly, even had a giggly moment in her sleep about a half hour later.
Take care,