
A place for thoughts on all things Berry.

Location: Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Friday, July 07, 2006

Canada Day Fun

Riding Cows

Olivia, Daniel and I went to a mommy group day on Wednesday at Olivia's friend Josh's house. Josh lives on a cattle farm, so I asked his mom if we could take the kids to see the cows. After much playing on the kids part, and as much catching up as the mommys could do with our second kids on us, we finally went to see the cows.
Before heading over to the barn, Olivia asked if she could maybe ride a cow. Ahh, no sweetie you may not. Cows do not like to be ridden. She seemed to accept that, and off we went. Once inside the barn, Olivia seemed enchanted by the cows - from a safe distance. There I am getting slobbered on by cows and a calf to show Olivia and Kyla how gentle cows are and how much they like to be pet, but no-go.
Even not wanting to touch, pet or go within a foot of a cow didn't stop Olivia from wondering if the next time we visited the cows, maybe she could take a ride on one of them...
Take care,

Splash Puddles

The other day Olivia and I went to one of the splash pads here in Guelph to play with friends Jaedyn and Kyla. Daniel stayed at home with daddy! Jaedyn dove right in jumping through various streams and sprays of water while her mom sat on the grass with her new sister, Ellie.
Not so much Olivia and Kyla.
Turns out my little fish-when-she's-in-a-pool, doesn't like to get sprayed or splashed at all. For most of the time she ran up and down the concrete ramp and stairs. I was able to convince her to stomp in some of the puddles, but she seemed too intimidated by all the other kids playing to do much more and she really didn't want to get wet (which I finally realized wasn't a big deal - if she doesn't mind running around in the heat, why should I mind her doing it?). Kyla at one point got pretty upset that her bathing suit got wet and she ended up on the swings in a neighbouring park.
However, once home, Olivia proclaimed that she loved the "splash puddle" and when could we go back? Huh? So we go back next week to a birthday party at one, but there will be less than 20 children, so maybe there is a fighting chance of her going into some of the water - wait, I don't care if she goes into the water as long as she has fun (I have to let go of my own neuroses [for there seem to be many] about this!).
Take care,