
A place for thoughts on all things Berry.

Location: Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

quirkily yours

Another one! Which can be attested to (just realized, read looked up, that attested has to do with certification of being disease-free, and therefore is not the best word, but you know what i mean) by a co-worker.
Smarties and M&Ms. Empty package, sort into colour groups. Then take one from each colour group and make into little piles - some colours will not make it to all piles as there are only one or two in a package (often the last piles are only singles - and they are often yellow). Then eat all the piles with missing colours first - leaving (if lucky) one or two piles with all available colours represented for final consumption.
And guess what? Turns out i am a little protective of the all-colour pile(s). Today I offered co-workers some M&Ms, but had to cover my one and only all-colour pile and say, "Not that one!" when someone reached for one from that group.
I am insane - seriously.

Childhood Favourites

Alan has a new blog - This will be a fierce competition pitting old favourites like Strawberry Shortcake against Rainbow Brite (she didn't even smell pretty - like she has a chance) in the greatest icon-o-clash to date. If you too are a child of the 70s or 80s, and still have a special place in your heart for Jem or the Thundercats, you may want to check it out.
It's such a funny thing, the way TV ties in to my childhood memories. I will forever think of going through the polka dot door and readying myself for Animal Day or Imagination Day. I remember really not liking the educational filmed bits through the dots when young, but finding them interesting as I got a bit older (still not as much fun as singing and dancing). My brother was a huge Today's Special fan and got a really big kick out of Sam the mailman...
I loved Jeremy Bear and Barbapoppa - I look back on those shows and characters with such fondness and am one of many of my peers who say that nothing on TV today compares. So this blog of Al's looks to be right up my alley and talk about a reason to procrastinate!
What will our children remember and how will it tie to media. What will today's TV and other influences give them? Al jokes that this generation is going to have trouble reaching any goal that requires more than three steps - thank you Dora. :)
Olivia is now starting to sing along with Franklin's theme song and ignores us for the TV - I find this horrible, and wonder how my own parents dealt with my fascination with television - a love affair that continues to this very day...
Take care,

Thursday, November 10, 2005

A couple of beefs

One beef - golf and equality.
Why are people up in arms about a man trying out for the Women's US Open? Women have just been granted the right to try and qualify for the PGA. I do not understand why men shouldn't be allowed the same opportunity. There is talk of purses - that the PGA tournaments have higher ones and women should have the right to try to win them - damn straight they should, since they are unable to get the following and sponsorships for the LPGA tournaments. I think that's fine - they run the risk of being outplayed by an often physically stronger sex, but maybe a strong mental game will win the day - more power to them, but do not whine and expect support from me when a man wants to try for a spot in the women's tour. Women - if you want to change the rules and wave a banner of equality - you don't get to hide behind it when the goose comes to try and look for equality for his sex. Sorry.
Beef two - a big thank you to the federal parties here in Canada - boy oh boy we sure do truly appreciate all you gents and ladies on the hill looking out for us and coming to an agreement that an election should be in the new year, so as not to interfere with the constituents holiday season - so we will not be bothered by campaigning while we are trying to connect with family and friends. This has nothing to do with you not wanting to campaign during the holidays though does it? No, no, no - you are far too sensitive to the plight of the common man and would gladly give up your family time to shake things up on a national level - riiiiiggghhhht. Oh, and you would gladly compete with the holidays in terms of mind share of the voters too - you would gladly do that, if it meant a better leadership, but you don't want us to give up any turkey time. Sure! Happy Holidays - and next time, you go ahead and put the election first if it is so all fired important to oust the Liberals and their horrible ways. I'll sacrifice a couple of hours discussing with friends and family the future of the country and a half hour to go vote if it means a better tomorrow. Your altruism is terrifying.

Losing its way?

I don't want to be premature, but last night Lost seemed to lose it's way a bit. Until this point, I have found this show consistently creative and full of surprises.
I knew someone was going to die last night and I knew it was going to be a woman. I had also read a lot of guesses that it would be Shannon. When Sayid told Shannon he loved her - I thought, hmmm it's not going to be Shannon - that would be too cheesy for this show to do - what an old tired plot device. But, there were only about two minutes to go, so I cringed inwardly and waited. And then they did it - they stooped to that low level of sensationalism - oh no, he just said he would never leave her and then she gets shot, how sad, how shocking - blah!
Try - how tired, how boring.
There were also spoilers about who killed her - that it would be another woman and it would be shocking. It was a woman, but it was hardly shocking that the chick who is a tad angry and had a loaded gun ended up killing Shannon - shocking would have been Sun killing her in a grief-filled rage, or Claire suffering from post partum and accidentally pushing Shannon off a cliff - something! But not this.
On the whole other hand though - I may be being rash. I am going to have to wait it out and see what comes of this, but i am feeling a definite twinge of disappointment in a writing team that had set the bar a lot higher than what they delivered on last night.
Take care,

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Olivia had a great night - visiting many houses and getting some good loot! She probably put herself to sleep repeating, "trick or treat, trick or treat."