
A place for thoughts on all things Berry.

Location: Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Dan and Hock

OR A Tale of a Boy and His Wiener

Dan has a new best friend. He dearly loves this little guy - wants to have him in his hand constantly. Meet Hock. Dan's wiener. Of the plastic variety. How exactly does a child decide that a plastic hot dog should be his most beloved possession? I have no idea.

But if Hock (or sometimes Hockie) gets lost, we are in for a world of distress. We have already had to say - "Stop! Everyone look for the Hock! Olivia, have you seen the hock?"

It's amazing how dexterious he can be while holding firmly to Hock. He can eat, play games, read books, colour, just about anything, with Hock in his hand.

But the best, THE BEST, was watching as Dan found and donned Olivia's glass slippers, a beaded necklace, and twirled in circles singing - while still holding on to that hot dog - natch!

Here I thought the duckie blanket would be the can't-live-without-it item. See how wrong I can be?

Take care,