A couple of beefs
One beef - golf and equality.
Why are people up in arms about a man trying out for the Women's US Open? Women have just been granted the right to try and qualify for the PGA. I do not understand why men shouldn't be allowed the same opportunity. There is talk of purses - that the PGA tournaments have higher ones and women should have the right to try to win them - damn straight they should, since they are unable to get the following and sponsorships for the LPGA tournaments. I think that's fine - they run the risk of being outplayed by an often physically stronger sex, but maybe a strong mental game will win the day - more power to them, but do not whine and expect support from me when a man wants to try for a spot in the women's tour. Women - if you want to change the rules and wave a banner of equality - you don't get to hide behind it when the goose comes to try and look for equality for his sex. Sorry.
Beef two - a big thank you to the federal parties here in Canada - boy oh boy we sure do truly appreciate all you gents and ladies on the hill looking out for us and coming to an agreement that an election should be in the new year, so as not to interfere with the constituents holiday season - so we will not be bothered by campaigning while we are trying to connect with family and friends. This has nothing to do with you not wanting to campaign during the holidays though does it? No, no, no - you are far too sensitive to the plight of the common man and would gladly give up your family time to shake things up on a national level - riiiiiggghhhht. Oh, and you would gladly compete with the holidays in terms of mind share of the voters too - you would gladly do that, if it meant a better leadership, but you don't want us to give up any turkey time. Sure! Happy Holidays - and next time, you go ahead and put the election first if it is so all fired important to oust the Liberals and their horrible ways. I'll sacrifice a couple of hours discussing with friends and family the future of the country and a half hour to go vote if it means a better tomorrow. Your altruism is terrifying.
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