Camping and travel and owls, oh my
O continues to enjoy her summer of camps. Sadly, the City of Guelph cancelled the most highly anticipated one - Tairy Fales, a drama camp focused on one fairy tale per week. But she had a great week traipsing around the province and spending time with Grandma, Amma, Clio, her dad and me. One more week of camps and then a week of family time and then school! Ahhh! My big grade two girl and my kindergartner! Wasn't I cuddling a newborn and a toddler on my bed yesterday? How did that happen?
So - a bit more travel in my future - looks like September might be busy with some time in T.O. and a week in San Fran - but then back for a couple of weeks and on to DISNEY!!!! I can't wait. D seems to be the perfect age at last for some time in Disney.
Did you know that Brownie leaders are still called Owls? Well, they are - and now I'm one. I still don't know my Owl identity, but will get it all sorted soon enough. I wonder if I will be a better Brownie leader than I was a Brownie. They set me up with all that growing a carrot in a bowl stuff.
Take care,
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