
A place for thoughts on all things Berry.

Location: Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Defection detection

Ahh Belinda. You little wonder you.
To Ms. Stronach's detractors: the writing was more than a little on the wall.
In a recent Maclean's profile on Stronach and in other media interviews with the belle of the parliamentary ball, her views were walking a fine line on the left-hand edge of the Canadian Conservative ideal.
Let's face it - how can anyone supporting the Conservative (or is that Alliance, no wait Reform, er, I mean bed buddies with the Bloc Quebecois) party judge anyone too harshly for backing away from a confused and overly (not to mention overtly) right-wing party made up of people who made a grab for power in Canada by joining forces - I guess their platforms were just close enough, huh? Granted, the Conservative ideology would stand to the right, but Canada has always enjoyed the more small"c" Conservative over the big "c" one.
Why's that? Well we're grouped in with the middle men on the world stage. Down and to the left, often coupled with forward thinking European nations.
The spotlight shines on others and we get to stand half in shadow wearing a smirk and pointing a finger, lightly mocking and admonishing those who have managed to consistently upstage us.
So we are firm on our middle ground, being a progressive nation with a dash of conservatism (handy word that!).
So Belinda has switched sides. Is she a traitor? Is she going to be the downfall of the Conservatives? The saviour of the Liberals?
Well, I certainly don't think Stronach is a dipstick ("Conservative House Leader Bob Runciman emerged from caucus to call Stronach an "attractive dipstick" and a "joke." - Yahoo News). I think she is making a calculated move that may mean the Liberals defeat the Tories in upcoming confidence votes (but let's not give her too much power - her eyes are on the throne already - there are other issues that will come into play).
I have to admit, I foresaw another Liberal leadership no matter what.
Still, Harper's spin doctors and marketing managers should get the boot immediately. I am no fan of his - frankly everything he says makes me wince and cringe and fear the worst for the future of me and mine - but every time he gets a leg up in the public's opinions, his people decide the next best move is a smear campaign against Paul Martin. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Focus on the issues Yep, we get it. Some liberals did some incredibly stupid, short-sighted and frankly, bad shit, but move on. We are a forgiving folk and we would like to see resolution to this and find the best way to move on! The best way that brings our friends and families the most benefit. And no one is buying that the best way of moving on is to say that Martin and his team are using underhanded tactics. That just gets the big Blah Blah Blah - what are they hiding behind all that mudslinging.
Martin's team is by no means innocent of this, and I know that - but they seem to have a better feel for how and when to do that. Harper - basically all's I'm saying is, take the pulse of the nation, get on the boat and make this a fight worth watching!
Alan has recommended that the political bent may not be the best one and that he will miss my journal posts, so maybe I will double blog occasionally - but I'm enjoying writing some of my thoughts on this subject.
take care,

Friday, May 13, 2005

A house divided

Trouble is a-brewin' in the Canadian House of Commons. Prime Minister Paul Martin and his liberals have formed a shaky minority government and an even shakier alliance with the New Democrats. The Conservatives and Bloc Quebecois have bonded in an effort to dissolve government and force an election. And it has worked - almost.
Next Thursday all members of Parliament will have the opportunity to participate in two votes of confidence (contained in the latest budget). If either of these votes fail, an election will be called.
So, where do we go from here?
Last June, Canadians visited the polls and a year later, it looks like we will be doing it again. And in the same vein as last year, it will be up to us, the masses, the choose the lesser of four evils.
What will the campaign issues be? (my thoughts)
Clarity into government spending
Military spending and troop deployment
Healthcare and education (as always) - two tier? or not two tier? (tee hee)
Same Sex Marriage
Possibly decriminalizing marijuana
I would like to volunteer for my candidate, but she doesn't share my view on same sex marriage - and this is a biggie for me. I actually believe in equality for all. And so, if I can marry the adult human I love (like that? you dig?), so should you, or anyone, have that ability, right, privilege.
- It's hard enough to find a true, honest, healthy love nowadays, why not let everyone shout it from the rooftops in whatever way they see fit?
I am horrified to think that an election could result in our nation taking on any more of the right-wing policies of our neighbours to the south.
Hopefully, and if people are interested in this topic, I will continue on this as thoughts occur.
Take care,

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Racing notes

Definite SPOILERS in this post.
The Amazing Race 7 has one more episode to go. In between building a lasagna for tonight's dinner - yum!- Al and I were able to catch this penultimate episode. I always like it when there's a bit of a switch up - like last week when Rob tried to psyche out two other teams and thanks to his "false" tip, those teams pulled ahead. Then tonight Rob and Amber and Ron and Kelly managed to get an earlier flight than the other two teams. That was great.
I cannot help rooting for Rob and Amber (who showed personality this week for the first time since she appeared on Survivor Outback. She was joking around with the Sherlock Holmes gear - it was nice to see, frankly). Their "machinations" are great. They are playing the game, as a game - a race to win and I more or less agree with them (although even I would have stopped to offer the brothers help a few weeks back).
Anyhoo, in the post-show interviews where all the teams were saying that they were going to win, I had to laugh at Ron saying that Rob and Amber lack morals. This seemed to be in reference to the fact that R&A yielded R&K this week. It's odd how Ron doesn't remember that he and Kelly were hoping against hope that they would get to the cluebox first so they could yield R&A - selective memory is a bitch, huh?
I would almost love a reunion ep for this season at the end of it all, just to see if people changed their tunes about other teams after watching all the footage...
All throughout the typing of this post, all I can really think about is the fact that dinner is made, and it's lasagna!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way - further to previous posts, I picked up the Astonishing X-Men 8 and 9 (rather Al picked them up and gave them to me) and I am less enthusiastic about these two issues than I was about the first seven. The writing didn't seem as smart - is Joss getting Marti Noxon's help again? We don't need another Buffy Season 6 dar by!<- My inner newf, who knew?
Take care,