
A place for thoughts on all things Berry.

Location: Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

More Whedon means many yays from Vic

Alan emailed me a story yesterday, which had Joss Whedon and John Cassaday saying they were in for 12 more issues. Me so happy.
Also just read that Joss may cast either Jessica Biehl or Kim Bassinger for Wonder Woman , depending at what age his story will have her.
That's it for Joss for now.
Oliv has been a sick little girl. She came down with Cox Sakia virus (also known as foot, hand and mouth virus - a "common childhood illness" according to the Sears' Baby Book). So she was feverish, whiny, not eating, not sleeping, sore throat, runny nose, rash all over her body for the last four days. What a treat! Why do I want another one?
Anyway, thankfully the fever broke yesterday, so today she's back at day care - it's only contagious during the fever stage - but it's incredibly contagious at that point, air-borne and all that. She seemed really happy to see all the kids again and have someone other than mom and dad to play with.
I cannot believe how quickly these kids catch colds and other joyous illnesses. It's stunning.
Last night we had the sign that she was truly on the mend when, after four days of barely eating (except frozen yogurt, natch!), she ate almost a whole fajita.
She apparently loves her some fajita, so all's well that ends well.
Take care - and good health!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Whedonverse strikes again

Joss Whedon, the brilliant being behind (alliteration - ah thank ya) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (movie and TV), Angel and Firefly (movie: Serenity due out soon, I hope) has brought me back into a fold that I never thought I would see hide nor hair of again - the X-Men.
Somewhere in my wicked childhood, I got a little hooked on comics - not a lot hooked, but definitely a little. I enjoyed The Uncanny X-Men, Fantastic Four, The Amazing SpiderMan and even a bit of Groo.
I was not an avid collector, but my cousin and I would sit around his room reading everything we could get our hands on once a month or so.
Then I started getting older and the trials and tribulations of those living in Knots Landing started mattering more than people in tights saving "the world." The older I got, the worse the art seemed to be as well. Oh, the porno, broken back comic book heroine was there all along, I just didn't notice her. Then I did notice her, and then I started to get a little sad, and a little mad. I started to believe that popular comic books were just for boys and sad lonely men to use as a sexual aid. That's the only reason I could see for drawing women that way.
I didn't leave comics forever tho - I started reading Books of Magic - thank you Neil Gaiman for starting a tale that thrilled the child and adult in me. Altho my love waned and eventually I drifted away from that series. Alan then got me hooked on several graphic novels and the story skills of Alan Moore.
So, a couple of weeks ago Alan goes and picks up his comic books. He asks me if I knew Joss Whedon was writing a new X-Men title. I did indeed know that, but it was the X-Men - the worst offender of horrible comic book art that I had seen.
Then, Alan read me some quotes. Emma (The White Queen) says to Kitty Pryde when Kitty is late (on the first page), "You're late." Kitty, looking at Emma's skimpy, odd outfit, replies, "I'm sorry, I was busy remembering to put on all my clothes." Well, that was intriguing. The scene takes place at The Xavier Institute, a school for young mutants, also included Kitty whispering to other teachers, "Did I miss the Sorting Hat?" I was hooked.
And as to Emma, who has the big boobs and the tiny waist that used to make me shake my head, she at least admits it: "Superpowers, a scintillating wit and the best body money can buy . . . and I still rate below a corpse." (This references Jean Grey and it is my fervent hope that unlike many of his predecessors, Whedon will keep her dead.)
Anyway, the art was lovely and so was the inking (colouring - I think that's the term). The writing was smart and sassy and as Robbie D. would say I like my writing the same way I like my turtle soup - snappy! And I already cannot wait for issue 8.
Take care,

Monday, February 14, 2005

Love Day

Did you know that the number one candy-buying holiday in the U.S. is not Valentine's day, nor is it Hallowe'en (which was my guess). It's Easter. One busy bunny, yaknowwhatimsayin?
Olivia was thrilled with her Valentine's Day gift from her daddy. A really huge flower with a big smiley face and long, bendable stem. She wouldn't let it go while eating. She didn't even notice her "Be Mine" plush heart magnets from mommy, so it will be fun to watch her discover them later this evening.
I totally give in to the commercialism that has embraced this "holiday" so completely. Olivia got cards from both mommy and daddy (as well as from gramma and great aunt Shirley). Alan got a card from Oliv and Al and I exchanged cards. I even bought valentines to send to Oliv's friends from her, but I didn't get those done (ah well, you're looking at the person who still hasn't finished the baby book, or done any pages of the scrapbook), so maybe next year.
At least Valentine's don't go out of style. Except that one year I bought Digimon ones, and they are from the first season, so they may be a bit obsolete.
Plus, this day brought heart shaped cookies from the company and someone just gave me a little Smartie heart. Colour me valentine red happy!
Take care,

Thursday, February 10, 2005

I'm a little bummed

I created a post all about my static cling issues yesterday and when I tried to post it, I got an error page and when I hit the back button, it had wiped it out. And since it's not here, it's gone. I don't think I have it in me to write it again. And that's too bad because it was really good - probably the best blog entry I've ever seen . And the strange thing was, it didn't read anything like this blog! (Yay Tenacious D.)

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Money sucks my bum - Large!

Money is actually not that big. I have no idea how many bills you would have to use to make up one of me, but I'm guessing it's a lot. So here is this money - bills, change, whatever, such a small physical presence, and such a huge "other" presence.
Top of mind probably half the day right now is money - not just my problems with it (it's love/hate), but other people's problems with it. Are the people I love ok? I wish I had enough money to make all their problems disappear, but I don't. That type of thinking.
Once upon a time, my friends and I were joking (kind of) about the fact that so many people in our generation are relying on matching six or seven numbers as their financial planning. How sad is that? Or even worse, to think that one day my money problems will be solved, and someone I love dying will be the reason why - I hate that - I actually really hate that - and I don't hate that many things, only half-assedly anyway.
Again, I have to remember to count my blessings. I think there was an old email that went around - it could be a hoax, anyone? but it wouldn't matter to me, the message is there - that spoke to wealth. I think that it said that if you had money in a bank account and a change jar and change in your wallet, you were in the top eight per cent for wealth in the world. So no more tears in my beer. (eww beer, I'd rather drink bread.) I am one of the lucky ones, and I likely have more than I need anyhow, right?
Except the kitchen floor is going to give and the faucet in the tub... ;-) (it's just too easy to go there!)

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Some musings

Just to preface this note - I really like Greenday and have been a big fan since Dookie, although I haven't heard all of Americana yet (too cheap to buy, but don't believe in downloading, especially not an entire album!). Turns out Oliv likes them to. Bops her head in time to Boulevard of Broken Dreams.
Which segues nicely into:
Every time I hear the song Boulevard of Broken Dreams, I now picture the video (I saw it the other day). There's an awful lot of "I walk alone and I walk alone" in the song, but watching the video all I can think is,
"Dude, your walking with your two bandmates, you are by no means 'alone,' so quit your bitchin'."
Oh, another thing that I thought about this morning is that no matter how many times I hear the ads or how many people say the name to me, every time I see a Chevy Silverado, I still think it says Silverroo. The A looks a lot like an R and the D looks a lot like an O. They really do. I even had a friend buy one and I saw it and said, "You bought a Silverroo? Cool." Which is pathetic, not just because I said the name wrong, but because I tried to make it seem like I knew what a "Silverroo" was. Embarrassment tingles anyone?