
A place for thoughts on all things Berry.

Location: Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Catching up

Well - I have now finished work for the year - pretty bittersweet when you know you are saying see you soon to your workmates, and you won't get to be in on the gossip, but at the same time, you are going to get to be home with your kids and hanging with your mommy friends.
The day after I started my leave, we moved! I did much pointing, but unfortunately mommy brain prevailed and I felt overwhelmed by choices and kept putting people off, saying, "We have to wait until I can ask Al."
The movers were pretty good - they forgot to empty the rest of the shed after the rain came and went, so we had a bigger load in our own vehicles than we thought we would. We ended up having to saw the boxspring in half. That was not all that shocking - when we moved in, we couldn't get the boxspring up the stairs and had to bring it in through the bedroom window, which we have since replaced with a sturdier window that left a smaller opening.
So, I have this big beautiful bedroom and I am sleeping on a mattress in the middle of the floor - very dorm room chic, I assure you!
The new house is great!!! I feel like such a grown up in it. I remember when we bought the first house, we would say - do you feel like we're just playacting and none of this is real? Well, now it's a whole new "reality" to get used to as we SLOWLY unpack and settle in. I can barely lift ten pounds without weird pains in my "pelvic girdle", so I'm not being as proactive, heck even active, as I had hoped I would be.
Still and all, we're getting there.
Olivia is home with a cough and runny nose today - I love that I can do that - just ask if she wants to stay home with me (we had a rough night, so I wanted to make sure she got some more sleep) and I don't have to feel parent guilt for missing work!
She actually ended up with a fever on moving day when she went to stay with her grandma/amma and after a bit of a rough night there, has decided that the "Dora bed" (a little inflatable bed bought especially for her overnights in Cambridge) doesn't like her. (Is she our kid, or what?)
That's about it for now.
Take care,