
A place for thoughts on all things Berry.

Location: Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, March 02, 2006

My punny girl

So, i was very excited yesterday because Olivia made her first joke! A pun no less...
Here's how the story goes:
We were in the car driving home from day care yesterday and Olivia was being goofy in the back seat and i said, "Oh Olivia, you are a nut!"
(I call her a nut all the time) and she laughed and i said, "What kind of a nut are you? Are you an Olivia nut?"
"No..." came the answer.
"Are you a peanut?"
"Are you a Brazil nut?"
"What kind of a nut are you?"
"I'm a donut!"
Isn't that awesome?? I let her know that she is a very funny girl and makes me laugh.
Take care,