Tootsie says
If you want to know what the dinosaurs think...
Extinction stinks!
While dancing along to the Great Dinosaur Mystery tonight, Carrie the boy doll somehow hurt Carrie the girl doll (also know as lily and leeva) and had to sit on the chair and do "hard time."
Wha-hut? Apparently sometimes at daycare they have to do hard time until they realize what they have done wrong and are ready to apologize. Olivia herself, it seems has done it for hurting her friends. Sometimes I have to wonder who she is when we're not around. I'm checking on this hard time thing tomorrow when I drop her off, just so that I understand it a bit...
The adult expressions that we drop and they pick up and latch on to.
We've also been told that sometimes she is not Olivia, but Olives - turns out that's what the day care staff call her. Don't tell my Gramma M (one of the original Olives that Olivia gets her name from. The other being Gramma J), she'll have a fit - "Olive, it's the worst name! But Olivia is different, it's nice."
Take care,
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