
A place for thoughts on all things Berry.

Location: Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Racing notes - 9.3

I like the two-parters. The look of disappointment on the frat boys' faces was funny in a mean way. I can only imagine how much teams look forward to the pit stop - which essentially provides them food and sleep, but not this time. They did the detour - i said i would have scrubbed, but i think the dolls were the better choice, and they did the road block - awesome - i would have done that one in a heartbeat, but no pay off at the end, just the next clue.
I was happy that, although the hippies dropped from first, that they are still in the running. I loved that they jumped out and scared people at the first stop. They so rock! i heart them.
I wonder why Desiree and her mom chase Wanda for the pool block? I thought it was pretty obvious you were going to have to swim... Same to Ray and Yolanda...
Lake and Michelle, especially Michelle, did nothing to endear themselves to me. They are just so completely bitchy with each other. I hope i never talk to Alan that way (i probably do, but i hope it's not too frequently - yikes!).
Another good leg of the race - The race is appointment viewing again!
Take care,