Marching Penguins
We rented March of the Penguins on Saturday, after deciding it might be something Olivia could watch with us. She was enthralled by it for the first two-thirds and then her attention waned. But she did run and grab her penguin toys and stuff them under her shirt to keep them warm and protect them from the cold.
She then told everyone she watched the marching penguins and asked for it again on Sunday. We didn't see that one coming - asking for it again, and now we are going to have to explain that it belongs to a store and we were watching it for only a while, and now it's back at the store. She's starting to "get" sharing, so there is hope that this concept will be agreeable...
Alan bought me Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, so I am looking forward to seeing that again. We also found time to watch the 40-Year-Old Virgin, which we found pretty funny.
We made Rice Krispie squares, muffins and chocolate chip cookies in an effort to being using up opened pantry items in earnest, so we don't have to move them! Three weeks to go. After another Saturday evening filled with bass thumping against our wall (no idea which neighbour this comes from, i just know i am way too sensitive to sound to handle this for much longer) and doors banging open and shut, "three more weeks" is my new mantra - although it's subject to frequent change as the count down goes on.
My mom is here for much of the week helping us get packed and cleaning stuff - I feel so spoiled, and it feels so great! Except she hurt her back recently, so she better take it easy!
My dad remains in Mississippi, doing network and landline infrastructure repair in Biloxi and surrounding areas. He said it's still pretty devastated in a lot of areas there - some with minimal power at best, but he's not there for too much longer (which I'm thankful for given that last week he ended up in the hospital with pneumonia-like symptoms - the doctors tried to get him to sign for an EKG and MRI, but he said, "No, I'll just take some medication, thanks!"), so we will see him the flesh soon! Good Luck dad! Hope it goes quick and your trailer dries out a bit!
Take care,
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