
A place for thoughts on all things Berry.

Location: Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Racing notes - 9.4

I would love to go to Europe - not on something like the amazing race, where you get a 30-second view of everything, but for a few months to meander my way throughout.
They started in Russia and ended in Germany this week. I liked the gnome roadblock, but as for the detour - no way would i do the bottles, i just don't like those odds - didn't anyone learn from the dolls the day before?
BJ and Tyler are still my favourites. Lake and Michelle were easier to take this week - her sarcasm was irksome, but still...not as much yelling or degradation, so i call that a big plus. Does team double D have the ability to do anything on their own? They are being such sheep! Argh. MoJo is still quite blah, hopefully some more personality will come through soon. The frat boys have too much personality - again, we get it, you're horny, blah blah blah.
Ray and Yolanda are still a great team - i wish i knew why they are middle of the pack instead of at the front. Fran and Barry continue to do better than I thought they would - and i have to say they are, so far, the least annoying "older" couple they have had on the show.
Dave and Lori seem to struggle and straggle a bit and the promos for next week don't look promising for them... Desiree and Wanda - not shocking that they got the boot, but I was kind of hoping Dani and Danielle would go - just to annoy the frat boys and thwart their "tongue wrestling" plans.