
A place for thoughts on all things Berry.

Location: Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

My winter cold

Every year, it comes and stays a while. The rudest guest I've ever had. I don't even invite it in, it just tucks in. What kind of a guest brings only stuffy noses, sore throats, throbbing heads and full, deep coughs? Where's my bottle of wine?
Or is that whine? And whine I do. I don't like being sick. Every year I end up with some mild form of bronchitis. I'm really hoping that I don't pass it on to Oliv - Al's already in the first stages. (sorry my love)
Ah well, a couple of weeks from now and I'll feel like brand new.
I wanted to put a site up - give a shout out to a former colleague/teacher and his site.
Take care - and keep in good health,