
A place for thoughts on all things Berry.

Location: Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Love, thy name is email

I don't think my friends get it. It's not that I prefer email as a form of communication. It's not that I'm at my computer more than I'm not on any given day. It's just that I am in love with email. It's not an addiction.
Well, maybe it's an addiction.
The BlackBerry has not helped. I can get my darling email anytime, anywhere. The slightly unhealthy relationship is getting more unhealthy. AND, I'm totally unwilling to change it.
I send an email and cannot understand when there isn't a reply in my inbox within moments. I really do this. I obsessively sign in to my Rogers account to see if there's anything waiting for me at home. If there is something there, I will read it and then often re-send it to myself so it will have that lovely fresh feeling of an "unread" email.
Yep, that's right. I do that.
I seriously just took a break from writing this and went and checked home and work email.
Actually, I'm pretty good on the weekends - I check occasionally and just keep the BlackBerry handy - that's it.
Just checked again - Oh MY - I'm a nut!
Well I'd better go. See I sent a pic of Oliv out to about like 15 people so there should be email there, right?
No end in sight,