Cyclists and technology
The title may make it seem like this might have something to do with cyclists AND technology - when really i have two different thoughts for today - one involving cyclists and the other? Yep - technology, kind of.
What are the rules of the road for cycling. I thought there was something about people having to wear helmets (at least to a certain age) and a rule about only being allowed to bike on the sidewalk to certain age. Whatever they are - people are very casual with those rules. And as an air-pollutin' commuter, I say hmpf. They built bike lanes all you university summer students and co-ops around here - use those, not the sidewalks and pedestrian crosswalks.
So. I just discovered that the microwave in the kitchen here is super fabulous - at least compared to my one at home. When i went in to heat up my lunch (mac and cheese - yum!), the clock was just a little flashing : . So I pressed 'Clock" and then the screen at the top, where after cooking a meal a message pops up for me to enjoy my meal, read "enter time." So i did. Then it told me to "Press Start." So i did. And it worked! At home I practically have to offer up a lung in sacrifice to the microwave clock gods. I press a combination of about ten buttons and every time i eventually get it to work and every time i then forget how i made the magic happen. I like the instructions though - so I think if I'm ever in the market for a new microwave, I want one that tells me what to do.
Can't you see it? "Victoria, Do NOT put your vegetables in here within that plastic container, use the corningware. We like the corningware."
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